Sunday, 23 January 2011

Love Virus: the story of the painting

The basis of the painting is the close-up pistil of an Anthurium flower I was inspired by.

Closer look at the deep red colour, shape, form and dynamic of the Anthurium have awakened my fantasy and feelings in a similar way to how I feel when I am in love and gave me a series of associations. The structure is full of movement, action and power that engulfs you and is in need of release.

The Anthurium is poisonous and I feel that Love is a similar feeling to being poisoned, or maybe to be ill. You have a fever, a sickness, thirst and one’s body aches, like a virus it is growing inside you as though in your blood, in every cell of your body.

I also tried to express how love is like being caressed by a snake - it's embrace can be so tight that you can't breathe, then it is so difficult to breath normally that you can only just sigh. Black thorns denote jealousy and scratch the fragile, sensitive soul. I made the knot a bit tighter to prevent that though....

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